Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Contact: Betsy Theroux
(404) 656-3996
Camille Taylor
(404) 656-0305
Rep. Lynn Smith Appointed to State Boards and Commissions
ATLANTA – State Representative Lynn Smith (R-Newnan) was recently appointed by Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington) to serve as a member of the Capitol Art Standards Commission, the Commission on Interstate Cooperation and the Southern States Energy Board (SSEB). Rep. Smith’s term on the two commissions will run concurrently with the 2023-2024 legislative term of the Georgia General Assembly.
“I am deeply thankful that Speaker Burns has given me the opportunity to extend my service beyond the legislature through these esteemed organizations,” said Rep. Smith. “These commissions and the energy board hold a vital role in shaping policies and programs that impact our state and region, and I am eager to bring my legislative expertise to the table.”
The Capitol Art Standards Commission is responsible for developing policies and procedures for the acquisition, installation, preservation, maintenance, display and storage of all artwork that is displayed in or on Capitol grounds. The commission is also responsible for making recommendations to the governor and the General Assembly regarding changes in state statutes, policies, budgets and standards relating to the Capitol art collection. In addition to being appointed to this commission, Speaker Burns also appointed Rep. Smith to serve on the commission’s Religious Liberty Monument Committee.
The Georgia Commission on Interstate Cooperation is responsible for carrying forward Georgia’s participation as a member of any regional, national or international nonpartisan legislative organization that promotes interstate or international cooperation. This commission also works to encourage and assist the legislative, executive, administrative and judicial officials and employees of Georgia to develop and maintain friendly contact with officials from other states and the federal government. Finally, this state commission formulates proposals regarding interstate compacts, uniform or reciprocal statutes, administrative rules, regulations and research and information exchanges.
The Southern States Energy Board is a nonprofit interstate compact organization created in 1960. The SSEB is comprised of 16 southern states and two territories. The board creates programs in the fields of energy and environmental policy research, development and implementation, science and technology exploration and related areas of concern. The SSEB serves its members directly by providing timely assistance designed to develop effective energy and environmental policies and programs and represents its members before governmental agencies at all levels.
Representative Lynn Smith represents the citizens of District 70, which includes portions of Carroll and Coweta counties. She was elected to the House of Representatives in 1996 and currently serves as Chairman of the Natural Resources & Environment Committee. She also serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and the Creative Arts & Entertainment, Reapportionment and Redistricting and Rules committees.