Capitol Update
2023 Legislative Session Recap
After three months, the 2023 Legislative Session has come to a close. We began Session on January 9th and officially gaveled out on March 29th for Sine Die. This session, I continued my work proudly representing District 70 through the legislation I authored & co-sponsored. I am proud of the bills we worked to pass, & thankful that Governor Kemp saw fit that most be signed into law.
I am excited to share some of the highlights from the 2023 Legislative Session. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. My top priority remains being the voice of the people of District 70 under the Gold Dome.

2024 Budget Breakdown

The 2024 fiscal budget starts on July 1, 2023, is set by a revenue estimate of $32.4 billion dollars. This appropriation has 53% for education, 24% for health and human services, 7% for public safety, and 9% for economic development and general government services. This year's budget fully funds the K-12 public education system, provides a pay raise for front-line law enforcement, provides an income tax rebate for Georgia tax filers, and fully funds the HOPE scholarship for college eligible students.
Authored Legislation
Below is a list of legislation I authored this session along with details on when they were signed into law.
- House Bill 243 - This bill provides an 8th judge to the Coweta Judicial Circuit. This was signed into law by Governor Kemp on May 1, 2023.
- House Bill 311 - This legislation provides local governments with an optional temporary tax relief to certain properties located in nationally declared federal disaster areas. This important legislation is the final step in Coweta's "Pay it Forward" to help Georgia citizens whose homes were destroyed by a federally declared natural disaster. I was honored to lead this effort over the last two years. This bill was signed into law by Governor Kemp on March 16, 2023.
- House Bill 615 - This bill provides an additional judge to the Coweta County State Court. This legislation was signed into law by Governor Kemp on May 1, 2023.
- House Bill 707 - This legislation would provide compensation for the Coweta County Board of Education. This bill was signed into law by Governor Kemp on May 3, 2023.
Please click here to review details for the full list of bills & resolutions.
Sponsored Legislation
Below is a list of legislation I co-sponsored this session along with details on when they were signed into law.
- House Bill 338 - This legislation provides for the inclusion of methods for the promotion of the safe & appropriate use of technology for students. This legislation was tabled & can be reintroduced during the 2024 Legislative Session.
- House Bill 436 - This bill would revise maximum criminal penalties for violations relating to surface mining. This legislation was tabled & can be reintroduced during the 2024 Legislative Session.
- House Bill 499 - This bill would authorize child support and insurance policies for disabled children who have reached the age of majority but lack the ability to otherwise support themselves independently. This legislation was tabled & can be reintroduced during the 2024 Legislative Session.
- House Bill 580 - This legislation provides changes to the compensation & expenses of the chairperson & members of the Board of Education of Carroll County. This legislation was signed into law by Governor Kemp on May 1, 2023.
Please click here to review details for the full list of bills & resolutions.

I am forever proud to serve the great people of District 70. Your support & friendship during my time as your Representative have meant the world to me. I am honored that you have placed your trust in me & I encourage you to reach out directly with comments, questions or concerns.